Well sort of, but summers right around the corner. And thanks to the beautiful weather people come out in droves to appreciate the many wonders the twin cities have to offer. Here are some of the events that I'm looking forward to with nail biting anticipation....
Apparently Grand Old Days is blowin' up big time this year (Sunday June 6), and the mini brochure I got from work has it claiming that its the largest twin cities block party. Woot woot. Theres the requisite beer and food but this year all along grand are some concert treasures. Free Energy is on the Dixie Stage down at St. Albans, Heiruspecs and Doomtree are on Billys Stage at (doi) Billy's on Grand, etc. It's definitly worth checking out :
http://www.grandave.com/ . Fingers crossed I don't get scheduled to work and be forced to stare longingly out the window at all the fun and revelry going on.

Event numero dos: Rock the Garden, June 19th. Even before they announced who was playing my group of friends made a blood oath to purchase tickets and go to this thing. We went last year and it was awesome. For those of you who aren't aware what rock the garden entails its an all day music festival set on the nice big lawn slope next to the
Walker Art Center. The whole day my little heart swelled with Minnesota pride. If you didn't get tickets, welp sucks to be you cus it's sold out. But I bet you could try scalping a pair for a ridiculously inflated price?

Next up on my summer to do list is the
Redbull Flugtag which is gracing the twin cities with its precense on July 24th over at Harriet Island. The gist of the event is that teams (who go through a rigorous entry process, believe me I watched people try) build elaborate flying contraptions which they ride off a cliff into a body of water. I'm pretty sure theres more to it but thats what I got from the description. I'm going just to see what concepts people come up with. Should be pretty sweet.

Technically this one comes before the flugtag but I got lazy and remembered it after: Barbette's Bastille Days block party on (doi) July 18th. If you havn't done your european history research it's a french holiday to commemorate the revolution or storming of the bastille. And Barbette's does it up by blocking of the street surrounding the restaurant, serving tasty food outdoors, having live performances, and shopping booths. I really just go for the food (fatty me) plus its like a two minute walk from my apartment. Heres more
On into August is one of my favorite events: The Uptown Art Fair! The weekend of August 7, 8, & 9. I'm determined to go this year because even though I live mere blocks form it I missed it last year. Despite the fact that this event makes parking on my street a bitch I still love browsing through artist things and buying street food. I'm determined to remain sunny about it. More info
I'm sure there are lots more things that are on my summer to do list but I'm outta time so thats all for now.